Building Network dashboard
What is a Building Network dashboard?
The Building Network dashboard provides a cohesive summary of the selected object. Widgets included on a Building Network dashboard may include a Summary View widget, Trend widget, Equipment Relationships widget, and Detail widget. See Trend widget (Default Trend) for a detailed description of the Trend widget.
How do I get to a Building Network dashboard?
The Space dashboard is the default view when you first log in to the Metasys UI. To navigate to a Building Network dashboard, tap or click on the hamburger icon. Tap or click the building network tab. Tap or click your desired object.
What types of Building Network dashboards are there?
There are 10 default building network dashboards, each for a specific type of object. Those include site objects, engines and integrations, servers, folders, graphics, field devices, trend extensions, alarm extensions, schedules, and all other objects. The default layouts simulate how SMP displays information for an object for similarity of operation. See Figure 1 for default layouts.
What is the layout of the Building Network dashboard?
Is the Building Network dashboard supported on all devices?
Yes, the Building Network dashboard is supported on desktop, tablets, and smartphones.
Can I issue commands directly in the Building Network?
You can issue commands directly in the Detail widget by clicking Command or the value. For more information on the Detail and Summary View widgets, see Detail widget or Summary View widget. For information on Bulk Commanding and available commands, see Bulk Commanding.