
What is an extension? Which extensions are supported in Metasys UI?

An extension adds features such as trending or alarming to an item. At Metasys UI Release 5.0, you can view and edit the following extensions: alarm, trend, totalization, resource file, averaging, and load. However, you can create alarm and trend extensions only.
  • An alarm extension adds attributes for generating alarm and event messages to an item. Alarm extensions monitor an attribute of an object and send alarms using the Alarm Manager feature. There are two types of alarm extensions: analog alarm and multistate alarm. See Alarm extensions for more information.
  • A trend extension adds trending capabilities to an item. The trend extension monitors and records the changes in the behavior of an individual attribute over time, thereby assisting you with diagnosing various system-wide behavioral characteristics. See Trend extensions for more information.

See Creating and deleting objects for more information about creating extensions.