Working with the Template Tab
How do I access the Templates tab?
You can access the Templates tab from the Graphics Manager in the left pane. The Templates tab is available in the Metasys UI and the Metasys UI Offline.
What are the options available on the Templates tab?
You can view system templates and create, organize, and view user-defined templates on the Templates tab. The Templates tab has two lists: the Default list that displays all system templates and the Custom list that displays user-defined templates. You can also create user-defined templates and add and delete folders in the Custom list for organization of the user-defined templates. The Custom list contains a single folder named Custom that is created when the Metasys UI and Metasys UI Offline are installed.
The Default list contains system templates available to all Metasys UI and Metasys UI Offline sites. Use the Default list to view system templates. You cannot delete or edit system templates. However, you can create and edit a custom template from a system template from the Custom list.
With the custom list, you can create and view custom templates, as well as organize custom templates in folders. Once you create a custom template (from a blank template or a system template), the custom template opens in the Graphics Editor. You can then edit the custom template.
What features are available in templates?
- All system templates contain default alias bindings, represented by short names for points. The short names for points are the same as the naming conventions from the Controller Configuration Tool (CCT) standard application. When you use a system template to create an Aliased graphic, and the short name for the point for the alias binding exists in the Equipment Definition, the point is automatically bound to the point for real data display at view time.
- The Building Dashboard template contains only explicit bindings and does not automatically bind to points. This template is typically used for campus or building-level spaces that may have multiple pieces of equipment with points that have the same short names.
- If a system template is used to create a space graphic or equipment graphic, alias bindings do not automatically bind to points.
- Alias binding automatically binds to points in an Aliased graphic only if the short names for points in the Equipment Definition exactly match the spelling and case of the alias bindings that exist in the template. For example, if the alias binding short name in the template is ZN-T and the Equipment Definition short name is ZN-TEMP, the automatic binding does not resolve. You can change the default alias binding short names in templates using the Global Find and Replace in the Graphics Manager in the Metasys UI. Alias binding behaves the same both in custom templates and system templates.
- Templates that contain only alias bindings can be exported and shared with other sites without manual point binding once imported to the new site.
- For all templates, if a symbol is not bound to point, it does not display at view time. A symbol requires at least one bound point that is resolvable to display at view time.
- Templates that contain coil symbols have different coil symbols stacked on top of each other. The coil symbol that is automatically bound (alias binding) or manually bound (explicit binding) displays at view time. The coil symbol that does not have a point binding that resolves automatically does not appear at view time.
- For templates that contain Key Data Modules, if a Key Data Item within the Key Data Module does not have a binding, the Key Data Item must be manually deleted to not appear at view time.
How do I work with the Default list?
With the Default list of the Templates tab you can view the system templates in the Preview panel.
- Expand the template folder to view the list of templates available.
- Click on the template. The template appears in the Preview panel. To expand the Preview panel to full screen, click .
- Go to the Graphics tab.
- Select a piece of equipment, a space, or the Unassigned
Graphics folder from the Equipment & Spaces
Or select an Equipment Definition from the Equipment Definitions tab.
- Click + or +ADD GRAPHIC in the Graphics List. Or select +ADD ALIASED GRAPHIC. The New Graphic dialog window appears.
- In the New Graphic dialog window, select a template from the Default list.
- Enter a name in the Name field.
Note: The following are invalid characters for a graphic name: <, >, :, ", /, \, ?, *, |, @, #, . (period), and , (comma).
- Click CREATE. The graphic opens in the Graphic Editor. For more information on working with the Graphics Editor, see Graphics Editor.
Can I edit or delete templates from the Default list?
No, you cannot edit or delete templates from the Default list.
What are the Air templates?
What is the Blank template?
The blank template does not contain any symbols, bindings, or viewing characteristics by default.
What is the CRAC template?
There is one CRAC template: the Computer Room Air Conditioning Unit template.
What is the Floor Plan template?
There is one Floor Plan template: the Building Dashboard template.
What are the Miscellaneous templates?
What are the Terminal Unit templates?
What are the Water templates?
- 3 Chiller and 3 Tower
- 5 Chiller With Secondary Loop
- 5 Tower With Condenser Loop
- Air Cooled Chiller Plant 1 Chiller 2 Pumps
- Air Cooled Chiller Plant 2 Chiller 3 Pumps
- Hot Water Boiler Plant 4 Boilers 4 Pumps
- Hot Water Heat Exchanger (Plate)
- Hot Water Heat Exchanger (Shell and tube)
- Steam Boiler Plant (3 Boilers)
How do I work with the Custom tab?
You can create and manage your custom templates with the Custom tab.
- Click on the Custom list.
- For the first instance of creating a new folder, click on the Custom folder. For any subsequent instances of creating a folder, click on any folder listed in the Custom tab.
- Click + and select Folder. The Add Folder window appears.
- Enter a name for the folder.
- Click CREATE. The Add Folder successful message appears.
- Click CLOSE.
- Click on the Custom list.
- Click on the folder you want to delete.
Note: You cannot delete the Custom folder.
- Click the trash can button. The Delete Folder window appears.
- Click DELETE. The Delete Folder successful message appears.
Click CLOSE .
Or click CANCEL to cancel the delete folder operation.
- Click on the Custom list.
- Click on the Custom folder. If you want the template to be saved in a user-created folder, click on the folder. Click + and select Template. The New Template window appears.
- Enter a name for the template in the Name field.
Note: The following are invalid characters for a graphic name: <, >, :, ", /, \, ?, *, |, @, #, . (period), and , (comma).
- Select a template from the Default list or the Custom list. A preview of the template appears in the right panel of the window.
- Click CREATE. The template opens in the Graphics Editor. For more information on working with the Graphics Editor, see Graphics Editor.
- Expand the folders to view the list of templates available.
- Click on the template to view the template in the Preview panel. To expand the Preview panel to full screen, click .
- Click on the Custom list.
- Expand the folder to select the custom template. The custom template appears in the Preview panel.
- Click the pencil button to open the custom template in the Graphics Editor.
- Go to the Graphics tab.
- Select the Unassigned folder, a piece of equipment, or a space from the Equipment & Spaces tab. Or select an Equipment Definition from the Equipment Definitions tab.
- Click + or +ADD GRAPHIC in the Graphics List. Or select +ADD ALIASED GRAPHIC. The New Graphic window appears.
- In the New Graphic window, select a template from the Custom list.
- Enter a name in the Name field.
Note: The following are invalid characters for a graphic name: <, >, :, ", /, \, ?, *, |, @, #, . (period), and , (comma).
- Click CREATE. The graphic opens in the Graphic Editor. For more information on working with the Graphics Editor, see Graphics Editor.
Are my custom templates stored in my SCT archive?
If you created custom templates in the Metasys UI, you must perform an upload to have the custom templates saved in your SCT archive.
If you created custom templates in the Metasys UI Offline, the custom templates are saved in your SCT archive automatically. To use custom templates created in the Metasys UI Offline in the Metasys UI, perform a download of your archive to SMP.